Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I don't give a crap about...people who don't get fattitude

They call it “Fattitude” and its about being accepting of people who are not skinny so overweight or fat or just whatever. The term might be new but the whole idea is not.

My grip today comes from people who say that anyone who isn’t the ideal weight are not healthy and that those who are not idea weight shouldn’t be OKAY with it. And this annoys me EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

Put yourself in our shoes for a second. You might have something you hate but cant do much about it. So is it better to keep hating yourself and all you are because of a flaw or is it better to accept who you are and just live your life? Of course you shouldn’t be hating yourself all the time like I do. You should NOT do this its not good. While some Christians don’t believe in self esteem I do highly. My sucks but I believe in it and I have always.

I would LOVE to lose weight and be more ideal not so I can get a boyfriend or get married or anything but because of course I want to be healthy. I just don’t know how to lose that much weight that fast. I workout nearly daily and I have cut back but I have never done a diet I don’t think diets work. So if I want to learn to love myself while I am this way so be it. LEAVE US ALONE!

I get SO sick of people who think that because we are trying to be okay with who we are means we don’t want to be healthy. And there are some people who aren’t skinny and are perfectly healthy. I believe its true. Ideal weight isn’t always what you think it is.

The worst part is the world we STILL live in not only are we not allowed to want to be okay with who we are. But people who aren’t skinny aren’t featured much in tv shows or movies. And saying things about being fat are a joke and made fun of. I know recently people tried to stop using terms like “retard” and “gay” wrong. So why not “fat” why is it okay to make fun of a real issue with some people and not show that well it’s a fact not everyone is skinny? Its hard to shop this way its hard to live this way. And if I ever have kids I want them to know if they are not skinny it is okay. But in our world its not.

Society needs to deal with this. Not only are there no average and ideal weights that used to be. But being a little over weight isn’t that bad. And if we want to stop feeling bad about ourselves it shouldn’t be a crime. I am far from those people who make fun of others who are a certain way but that’s not the case for everyone.

So the next time someone makes fun of someone that is not skinny I should just scream fattitude at them and run away. Because honestly until we as a society let those who aren’t the ideal way you think they should be, be okay with it we will continue to deal with stereotypes which shouldn’t be allowed for anything about a person. Its cruel its not right it needs to stop YESTERDAY!

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