Monday, April 21, 2014

FROZEN... can we just let this movie go please?!

Have you seen the movie Frozen? Well if you haven’t then you are like me in the less than majority. It’s like the best movie ever. But it doesn’t interest me. I am unsure if I will ever see the movie. If I do maybe in a few years when its on tv for free or something I will consider it.

Last year when I saw previews for the film I thought it looked good. In general I thought it would be fun to go see a movie like this. A cute movie about a snowman and sisters. I got what it was about sort of but didn’t fully understand it. Due to not having a job I didn’t see it in theaters. But right after it came out EVERYONE was seeing it. It was thee BIG thing on social media. It got to the point that every person on facebook but me had seen it not once or twice but several times. The movie was barely out but already popular. I thought it would die down eventually they all do.

But when 2014 came and the movie wasn’t going away. Winning awards and Oscars and such I began to wonder and get annoyed about a film I had never seen. So I read the reviews recently online and while most give it stars lots of them. There have been several bad reviews. It’s a musical, with a messed up no point plot, makes no sense, etc.

Which made me want to watch it less. A musical? Disney? I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s with some great films. Like wonderful films that I loved to pieces and still do. My favorite being The Lion King which ironic came out 20 years ago. Back then that was considered a master piece musical. It went to broadway as a show, etc. I fell in love with Pumba and Timon. My love of real life meerkats came from Timon. I would consider that a great film.

The weirdest part is so many people are saying that this film is like the best Disney movie EVER. “Of all time” is a line I have heard a lot. Like too much. Enough to annoy me. Again. And the songs. I have never seen the film but have heard the songs. They are horrible. They get under your skin and get stuck in your head. Especially Let it Go although I have heard now two others “For the First Time in Forever” and the Love Open Door one (done as a cover through a singer friend). Yeah about that…

Maybe if I was alone. Maybe if I was the only one in the world to hate this film so much it would be like only me. But the fact that I am not alone. The fact that several others hate it too. That proves this film isn’t all its cracked up to be. And dear gad they might make a second one. Excuse me while I pull out all my hairs thinking about it.

In theme of that stupid song can we just now let it go? Please? Yes I know you might not agree with me. But since the point of this blog is to say my thoughts on something I will say it true. I hate Frozen. I hate it. And guess what. I don’t give a crap if you love it I just don’t and may never ever for real!

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