Sunday, August 10, 2014

I dont give a crap...about kids today with technology way too soon!

I think todays kids have technology too much and too early. Now you are like its just how it is… but it wasn’t always. I think by saying that you HAVE to get your kids cell phones at age 9 or sooner, ipads and ipods and all the works you are saying that those who were raised before you (you more then likely as the parent were not raised like this) didn’t get by okay with that.

I don’t give a crap about what you think is right or wrong here I know I am right.

I grew up in the 80’s was born at the end of the 70’s in 1979, I spent my first 10 years of my life in the 80’s and my teens in the 90’s. And guess what I had: NO internet, NO ipod, NO smart phones, NO ipads. NOTHING! I didn’t even get a video game system the Nintendo till I was 10 years old so end of 80’s we got one around 1988 or 1989. I saved for my first Gameboy when my dad paid me to help him out with his home run business. I got that around the same time as that.

My ipad? A speak n spell. And books. I had books I didn’t have a nook and I do not intend my kids to ever have such a thing in their hands especially at an early age. My mom read to me and when I was around 3 or 4 (she is unsure on the age thing) I began to read. And I never stopped. I was a very gifted smart kid and I tack it up to being read to and reading so early. I was in The GATE program 2nd-7th grade only dropping out when I went into private school in 8th grade.

My dad and mom had electric type writers. My dad got a computer eventually sometime before I began college in 1998. I learned to type at school my first time on a computer in 9th grade. But I didn’t even go online in any form till I began college in 1998. That means I spent nearly the first 20 years of my life without going online. AND IT WAS WONDERFUL! And cell phones? We didn’t get those for a few more years sometime in the early 2000’s. And it was great again.

I joined twitter in 2009, myspace in 2005 and facebook in 2008. Before that I didn’t know what the social media network was like out there. I am still learning mind you but I was okay before that. I used to go on AOL a lot and use their chat rooms. And other chat rooms. Yeah chat rooms were popular before myspace and facebook came around. Email too of course. I love fb and stuff but seriously there is something different then just going online. I used to email people now I don’t have facebook why bother.

What bothers me is parents thinking their babies and kids who are barely from the womb should be having their iphones and ipads and smart things and be like I am great. I have seen it happen at my store so often it makes me sick. We even have TOYS that go with ipads and iphones. Kids don’t need to play with these. When they walk around the store how about a toy or a book or something fun. I don’t see why parents think they have to give their child as young as possible this technology they are way too young for. Some say oh we use it to teach them to read and stuff. Why cant you do that? Why does it have to be an electric device? I never had that and I turned out JUST FINE! Kids learn from example and if their parents are always on their phones and ipads and stuff they too are going to want to. And those who think they have to keep their kids from crying by using them and wonder why they are always using them good luck to you merry Christmas you just created a child addicted to technology too young.

If I get around to having kids they will have books not nooks, they will not have a cell phone before they are a teen if that and ipads will be far from them if I even have one myself. I think some parents actually buy their kids ipads. Going online is the only thing and video games I will allow but in limit amounts. I have ADD I get bored easily but I know technology as done nothing for me over the years but throw me through the loops and make me more crazy then I was. I often think about how peaceful life used to be when all I had to do when bored was read a book or watch tv. I think ipod touches are okay and only when they are old enough to understand them for you are putting internet and things in their hands they might not be okay for. They too will come as teens. I might give an ipod but it wont be too fancy I understand music is better when you have thousands of songs at once. I love music and wouldn’t put this down. But I hope they have some cds and know what they are and don’t just listen to only digital stuff. Real music is very different and very much awesome even if some don’t agree.

I think what parents and those raising these kids don’t get is that by giving their kids these things when they are born and getting them addicted so early they are going to be spending the rest of their lives staring down at their phones and ipads and stuff. It wont end. Technology is one addiction a child too young to even talk should not be starting on. I wont regret it but I am sure you can bet that plenty of parents regret ever letting their kids get into this now.

Don’t agree? I don’t give a crap about this and you can do what you want. But for me this is what I believe and how I will raise any kids if I have any on the same.

Friday, May 2, 2014

I don't give a crap...about minimum wage going up!

Let me introduce myself. I have a BA degree and have also gone to a trade school. But I have also ONLY worked part time minimum wage jobs my whole time of working beginning in 1997 and until now. Not because I don’t want a job I went to school for (just haven’t found my foot in the door yet) but because its all I can get and I need to work. I will one day get a full time job not minimum wage.

I know what its like to have bills to pay and only work so many hours on very little wages. Slave labor they have called it. I work retail jobs mostly so my jobs are around customers people. I work for the people. I love my job and I am a real people person. And frankly I am good at it. You always do what you are good at and you enjoy it (if you don’t then what are you doing it?). I have also lived on my own with my sisters. We paid our own bills for a couple of years. That’s rent, electric, gas (for the car), plus food and needs. And we have lots of pets. To date 3 cats, 1 dog but we had 4 cats at one point with the one dog. Not cheap!

I’m from California but in order to live on our own we had to move out of state to the South. I love Tennessee with my whole heart. I haven’t lived I that music state since July 2010. But frankly its cheap to live out there we was okay. I worked two jobs she worked two jobs. We got partial unemployment when hours sucked. But rent wasn’t bad a two bed 1.5 bath was about $600 per month. Even the electric wasn’t heart breaking (we didn’t use our heat during the winter we used our plug in heaters and ran the a/c very little). We moved to AZ where rent although isn’t as cheap is still not bad. The electric is horrible btw though we learned that first up and flat up. We didn’t run the a/c much insane as that is. We never ran the heat in the winter (it can get VERY cold at night not like TN cold but cold enough) like TN we ran our plug in heaters and used fans in the hotter months (April-Oct). We still got by.

My first minimum wage paid me about $5.75 per hour that was back in 1997. I moved onto to making around $6 in 1998. When I got put on my first real tail job I think it was like $6.50 maybe. In 2000 I was taken on by my still longest to date job that started me about $6.50 raising me $.50 an hour every year and when I ended I was at $8.25. I moved onto a job that began me at $7.25 but raised me to $7.75 after so many days. When I left the job I was making an odd amount of $8.11 and I had been there over 2 years. I went onto a few seasonal jobs $8 per hour never raised. I am with holding companies here as I don’t want to bash my former jobs. Well this job which I held twice in a small period of 2 years was and STILL IS $8 per hour.

In TN I began most of my jobs at $7.50 I was finally raised to $7.75 for my job of almost 3 yrs right before I quit. I got one job in AZ where I made $7.50 per hour. I came back to CA back to same said job still $8 per hour and worked that place for 2 seasons. Then I began to make more. I worked a seasonal job $8.50 and my current job is $8.25. I am still unsure to date what minimum wage is for California but I think its around $8 something.

I say this all because frankly I know what its like to not make much. The MOST I ever made at a job was a 3 day temporary (didn’t know it was at the time) working for a telemarketing place. I began at $10 per hour for 40 hours per week had I been allowed to stay. After 3 days would have been $12 per hour. This was back in AZ even $10 per hour 40 hours per week would have been beyond unbelievable and we could have paid rent and been okay and not had to move.

Last year the whole minimum wage thing came up and well began them making fun of those people who are trying to make more than so much per hour as a part time job. But what most people DON’T get is that it is DANG HARD to survive on minimum wage hours. As I said in the past in a CHEAP state we still had to do partial unemployment to get by when we both only had one job with few hours. Most jobs part time especially retail are based on the business. If they are making money they give out more hours. But if its slow they cant run so they cant pay you. Retail is a hard business most companies I have worked for don’t allow you to move up very fast. So you are stuck at the bottom waiting to get by and not getting why you haven’t moved up. I was with one company almost FOUR YEARS working part time and never asked to even change to a lead something above me but below a supervisor, which is below assistant manager below manager. Its frankly HARD. You need 2 jobs to get by and you might not get by. Depending on where you live its hard to live. So when these workers were like raise it up then I was like yeah do it!

My upset today is with first of all those people who THINK that if you are working a minimum wage job you are a teenager working your first job with no needs of your own. But not realizing that OVER HALF of those who work minimum wage are adults in their 20’s 30’s and 40’s. These people are trying to live and make rent and such. Working two or three jobs to get by. Raising families. And guess what we don’t all not have degrees. Magical degree don’t do anything if you went to school for a career hard to get a job with. Its NOT EASY! But they assume if you are in that position you must be a teen with no college education. I have seen OVER and OVER again people say for people to “get a degree, get a real job” instead of living on minimum wage. While most people who make this hope its temporary (for me it is) not everyone has that luxury. So I think they should raise the minimum wage! I am upset at how negative it is for people.

However I am also upset about how much they want to make. So I am upset with both sides in this case. I think raising the minimum wage is a GOOD thing but small not all at once and not too much. I think California which claims to raise to $9 this Summer and $10 next year is a good thing. But I think it should stop there. Seattle just agreed to raise theirs from whatever it is to $15 but it will take 7 years to do this. Our area San Diego wants to raise ours to $13.60 by 2016 which IMO is too much too fast. I think some growth is good but too much will cause the cost of living to go up. Is that right? NO its not. Minimum wage is NOT enough to get by now so if they raise it but also raise the price of stuff than the whole point is lost. I think we as a country should be allowed to make enough to be okay not suffer. So while a little growth is good too much isn’t good. That is what people fighting for those don’t get or understand.

I stand with those who want more than minimum wage now I want a raise I want us all to be okay. I want cost of living to stay the same as it continues to rise while mw continues to stay same. But I also want it to not be such a growth that it will make people who work full time jobs like I did in AZ wonder what is wrong when part time people are making more than full time. If you think about it, and I have they would have to make more at jobs like that. Our country is broke we are suffering. I get it. And I hate it. But honestly minimum wage should go up but not that much. And for those who make fun of all this those I am most upset about. Those are the people who shouldn’t be upset with people who make mw. Till you know EVERY person and their situation just let us be. Remember more than likely at one point or another you too made mw and had to get by. And if not than you was more lucky than most educated or not adults.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I don't give a crap about...people who don't get fattitude

They call it “Fattitude” and its about being accepting of people who are not skinny so overweight or fat or just whatever. The term might be new but the whole idea is not.

My grip today comes from people who say that anyone who isn’t the ideal weight are not healthy and that those who are not idea weight shouldn’t be OKAY with it. And this annoys me EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

Put yourself in our shoes for a second. You might have something you hate but cant do much about it. So is it better to keep hating yourself and all you are because of a flaw or is it better to accept who you are and just live your life? Of course you shouldn’t be hating yourself all the time like I do. You should NOT do this its not good. While some Christians don’t believe in self esteem I do highly. My sucks but I believe in it and I have always.

I would LOVE to lose weight and be more ideal not so I can get a boyfriend or get married or anything but because of course I want to be healthy. I just don’t know how to lose that much weight that fast. I workout nearly daily and I have cut back but I have never done a diet I don’t think diets work. So if I want to learn to love myself while I am this way so be it. LEAVE US ALONE!

I get SO sick of people who think that because we are trying to be okay with who we are means we don’t want to be healthy. And there are some people who aren’t skinny and are perfectly healthy. I believe its true. Ideal weight isn’t always what you think it is.

The worst part is the world we STILL live in not only are we not allowed to want to be okay with who we are. But people who aren’t skinny aren’t featured much in tv shows or movies. And saying things about being fat are a joke and made fun of. I know recently people tried to stop using terms like “retard” and “gay” wrong. So why not “fat” why is it okay to make fun of a real issue with some people and not show that well it’s a fact not everyone is skinny? Its hard to shop this way its hard to live this way. And if I ever have kids I want them to know if they are not skinny it is okay. But in our world its not.

Society needs to deal with this. Not only are there no average and ideal weights that used to be. But being a little over weight isn’t that bad. And if we want to stop feeling bad about ourselves it shouldn’t be a crime. I am far from those people who make fun of others who are a certain way but that’s not the case for everyone.

So the next time someone makes fun of someone that is not skinny I should just scream fattitude at them and run away. Because honestly until we as a society let those who aren’t the ideal way you think they should be, be okay with it we will continue to deal with stereotypes which shouldn’t be allowed for anything about a person. Its cruel its not right it needs to stop YESTERDAY!

Monday, April 21, 2014

FROZEN... can we just let this movie go please?!

Have you seen the movie Frozen? Well if you haven’t then you are like me in the less than majority. It’s like the best movie ever. But it doesn’t interest me. I am unsure if I will ever see the movie. If I do maybe in a few years when its on tv for free or something I will consider it.

Last year when I saw previews for the film I thought it looked good. In general I thought it would be fun to go see a movie like this. A cute movie about a snowman and sisters. I got what it was about sort of but didn’t fully understand it. Due to not having a job I didn’t see it in theaters. But right after it came out EVERYONE was seeing it. It was thee BIG thing on social media. It got to the point that every person on facebook but me had seen it not once or twice but several times. The movie was barely out but already popular. I thought it would die down eventually they all do.

But when 2014 came and the movie wasn’t going away. Winning awards and Oscars and such I began to wonder and get annoyed about a film I had never seen. So I read the reviews recently online and while most give it stars lots of them. There have been several bad reviews. It’s a musical, with a messed up no point plot, makes no sense, etc.

Which made me want to watch it less. A musical? Disney? I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s with some great films. Like wonderful films that I loved to pieces and still do. My favorite being The Lion King which ironic came out 20 years ago. Back then that was considered a master piece musical. It went to broadway as a show, etc. I fell in love with Pumba and Timon. My love of real life meerkats came from Timon. I would consider that a great film.

The weirdest part is so many people are saying that this film is like the best Disney movie EVER. “Of all time” is a line I have heard a lot. Like too much. Enough to annoy me. Again. And the songs. I have never seen the film but have heard the songs. They are horrible. They get under your skin and get stuck in your head. Especially Let it Go although I have heard now two others “For the First Time in Forever” and the Love Open Door one (done as a cover through a singer friend). Yeah about that…

Maybe if I was alone. Maybe if I was the only one in the world to hate this film so much it would be like only me. But the fact that I am not alone. The fact that several others hate it too. That proves this film isn’t all its cracked up to be. And dear gad they might make a second one. Excuse me while I pull out all my hairs thinking about it.

In theme of that stupid song can we just now let it go? Please? Yes I know you might not agree with me. But since the point of this blog is to say my thoughts on something I will say it true. I hate Frozen. I hate it. And guess what. I don’t give a crap if you love it I just don’t and may never ever for real!